I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
I Design Bilingual Resources Focused on Reflective and Critical Thinking to Foster Growth. The resources are all set to connect knowledge to students' real lives.
Para muchos estudiantes, mantenerse ordenados es un reto, y una de las estrategias más eficaces para reducir el estrés tanto de los padres como de los hijos es la organización y la planificación. Ser organizado es una habilidad crucial no sólo para el éxito académico, sino también para desenvolverse en la vida.
Este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a organizarse y planificar estableciendo objetivos claros, alcanzables y mensurables. Los niños entienden que los objetivos tienen importancia y que los logros son producto del esfuerzo.
La hoja de trabajo de la lista de deseos sirve como una potente herramienta para alimentar la imaginación. Los niños comprenden que sus aspiraciones pueden convertirse en objetivos concretos.
Una vez trazada la línea que separa los objetivos de los deseos, llega el momento de pasar a la acción, facilitada por la agenda o el calendario mensual, que ayuda a los niños a programar fechas y horas concretas.
Pero no olvidemos el toque más alegre: los autorretratos. Estos conectan momentos y experiencias encantadores con la planificación, capaces de adornar el aula, la casa o formar parte de un libro de recuerdos. ¡Disfrútalos!
Este recurso incluye:
Autorretrato 1 - Evento especial de Diciembre: Amo el Invierno
Autorretrato 2 - Evento especial de Diciembre: Feliz Navidad
Lista de Metas del mes de Diciembre
Lista de Deseos del mes de Diciembre
Calendario para planificar el mes de Diciembre
★ Related resources:
Descarga la versión en Inglés
¡Feliz mes de Diciembre!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Welcome March - Monthly Activity. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
This resource assists students in organizing themselves, planning, and establishing clear, achievable, and measurable objectives. Children understand that goals hold weight and achievements are a product of effort.
The wishlist worksheet serves as a potent tool for nurturing imagination. Children grasp that their aspirations can evolve into concrete goals.
Once the line between goals and wishes is drawn, it’s time for action, facilitated by the monthly planner or calendar, aiding kids in scheduling specific dates and times.
But let’s not forget the most joyful touch: self-portraits. These connect delightful moments and experiences with planning, capable of adorning your classroom, home, or becoming part of a memory book. Enjoy them!
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
March Self-Portrait Special Event: Happy St. Patrick’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
March Self-Portrait Special Event: Happy Woman’s Day (English and Spanish Version)
March Wishlist (English and Spanish Version)
March Goal Setting Checklist (English and Spanish Version)
March Calendar/Planner (English and Spanish Version)
Happy March!
his resource includes an English and Spanish version of Growth Mindset - Friendship. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
Teachers and parents have a shared desire for their children to have good friendships, and it is their responsibility to help them grasp the essential elements that contribute to forming strong bonds.
This resource incorporates the fundamental principles of a growth mindset. These principles will guide children in developing a meaningful understanding of friendship.
The activities included in this resource are designed to encourage students to think critically about the qualities required to establish and maintain good friendships.
Furthermore, this resource assists teachers and parents in getting to know their children’s friends and understanding the reasons behind their choices.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Page 1: My Friends (English and Spanish Version)
Page 2: My Friends Inspire Me to be Better (English and Spanish Version)
Page 3: My Friends Can … I Can’t YET (English and Spanish Version)
Page 4: I am a Problem Solver (English and Spanish Version)
Page 5: I Do My Best To Be a Good Friend (English and Spanish Version)
Page 6: I Learn From My Friends - Constructive Feedback (English and Spanish Version)
Page 7: I Learn From Mistakes(English and Spanish Version)
Page 8: I Do not Give Up, I Can Make New Friends (English and Spanish Version)
Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class!
For many students, maintaining organization is a challenge, and one of the most effective strategies to reduce stress for both parents and children is through organizing and planning. Being organized is a crucial skill not only for academic success but also for navigating life.
This resource assists students in organizing themselves, planning, and establishing clear, achievable, and measurable objectives. Children understand that goals hold weight and achievements are a product of effort.
The wishlist worksheet serves as a potent tool for nurturing imagination. Children grasp that their aspirations can evolve into concrete goals.
Once the line between goals and wishes is drawn, it’s time for action, facilitated by the monthly planner or calendar, aiding kids in scheduling specific dates and times.
But let’s not forget the most joyful touch: self-portraits. These connect delightful moments and experiences with planning, capable of adorning your classroom, home, or becoming part of a memory book. Enjoy them!
This resource includes:
March Self-Portrait Special Event: Happy St. Patrick’s Day
March Self-Portrait Special Event: Happy Woman’s Day
March Wishlist
March Goal Setting Checklist
March Calendar/Planner
★ Related resources:
Download the Spanish Version
Happy March!
Use these badges and cards to praise your children when they demonstrate meta-cognitive skills, ask for help or support, focus on their own progress, persevere through difficulties, and invest the necessary effort to overcome challenges.
When you cultivate a growth mindset and motivate your kids when they display it, they begin to develop self-awareness towards learning and work. Students learn to appreciate both positive and negative experiences as opportunities for learning. Children start to enjoy learning, even when it is challenging, and they value the effort they put in. As a result, students’ self-esteem improves, and a sense of authentic motivation grows in the classroom.
Affirmations, delivered from a first-person perspective, have the power to help children build trust in themselves. They feel like active participants and take ownership of their learning.
The set of 24 posters with positive affirmations is perfect for decorating your classroom.
Remember that these strategies can be effective in any grade classroom.
This resource offers:
24 Badges in color and black and white.
24 Cards in color and black and white.
24 Posters in color and black and white
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Enjoy the benefits of developing a growth mindset culture in your class!
For many students, maintaining organization is a challenge, and one of the most effective strategies to reduce stress for both parents and children is through organizing and planning. Being organized is a crucial skill not only for academic success but also for navigating life.
This resource assists students in organizing themselves, planning, and establishing clear, achievable, and measurable objectives. Children understand that goals hold weight and achievements are a product of effort.
The wishlist worksheet serves as a potent tool for nurturing imagination. Children grasp that their aspirations can evolve into concrete goals.
Once the line between goals and wishes is drawn, it’s time for action, facilitated by the monthly planner or calendar, aiding kids in scheduling specific dates and times.
But let’s not forget the most joyful touch: self-portraits. These connect delightful moments and experiences with planning, capable of adorning your classroom, home, or becoming part of a memory book. Enjoy them!
This resource includes:
December Self-Portrait Special Event: I Love Winter
December Self-Portrait Special Event: Happy Christmas
December Wishlist
December Goal Setting Checklist
December Calendar/Planner
★Related resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Happy December!
Easily use this activity for distance learning by sending Google Slides to your student’s homes! This resource offers an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or use shapes to complete the activity.
Teachers and parents want their children to have good friends, and they have the responsibility to help them understand the key ingredients that underlie friendship formation.
This resource helps teachers and parents get to know their kids’ friends and the reasons they decide to keep them.
This resource includes the main principles of the growth mindset (embrace challenges, the power of YET, find inspiration in the success of others, see effort as the path of mastery, learn from mistakes, learn from criticism) to guide children to understand friendship in a meaningful way!
This resource is fantastic for helping your children build good friendships.
The activities inspire your students to think critically about what it takes to make and keep good friends.
This resource offers an easy manual to help parents and kids to draw or use shapes to complete the activity.
Benefits for Kids…
See friendship as an opportunity to build a growth mindset.
See the growth mindset as an opportunity to build bonds of friendship.
Understand what friendship is, what it means, and what it entails to make and have friends.
Overcome the difficulties or common problems of friendship in a simple way.
Recognize the qualities and talents of friends, be inspired by them, and understand that all learning requires time and effort.
Understand that feedback from friends makes us stronger and better.
Recognize that problems and mistakes can arise in friendship, but can be taken as challenges and opportunities to strengthen it.
Identify strategies for making new friends.
This resource includes:
Slide 1: My Friends
Slide 2: My Friends Inspire Me to be Better
Slide 3: My Friends Can … I Can’t YET
Slide 4: I am a Problem Solver
Slide 5: I Do My Best To Be a Good Friend
Slide 6: I Learn From My Friends - Constructive Feedback
Slide 7: I Learn From Mistakes
Slide 8: I Do not Give Up, I Can Make New Friends
Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your class!
Download More Versions
English Version - PDF Printable
Spanish Version - PDF Printable
English Version - Google Slides
Spanish Version - Google Slides
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of International Women’s Day pennants and banners. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms and schools. This Women’s Day Banners, Pennants, and Biography resource is perfect for celebrating the lives and achievements of women, whether famous or not. Encourage students to recognize women who have significantly impacted those they admire and love. Transform the classroom or school into a vibrant tribute by decorating it with pictures and names of these inspirational women, fostering appreciation and respect.
The Biography Research Worksheet offers a valuable tool for students to gather information about influential women throughout history. Students can utilize books and articles as references to complete their worksheets, enhancing their research skills and deepening their understanding.
For a visually appealing project, use colorful paper of choice. Printing the pennants on cardstock is highly recommended to ensure durability and quality. Celebrate the achievements of women and inspire students with this engaging International Women’s Day resource!
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Eight (16) International Women’s Day pennants/banners in black and white and another one to be completed for a special person that your students want to celebrate, teacher, friend, etc. (English and Spanish Version)
Biography (2) Research Worksheets. (English and Spanish Versions)
Happy Women’s Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of the Welcome April Monthly Activity. These are PERFECT for your bilingual or dual language classrooms!
For a lot of students, staying organized is a challenge, and one of the best strategies to help parents and children to reduce stress is organizing and planning. Being organized is a crucial skill not only for academic success but for life.
This resource assists students in organizing themselves, planning, and establishing clear, achievable, and measurable objectives. Children understand that goals hold weight and achievements are a product of effort.
The wishlist worksheet serves as a potent tool for nurturing imagination. Children grasp that their aspirations can evolve into concrete goals.
Once the line between goals and wishes is drawn, it’s time for action, facilitated by the monthly planner or calendar, aiding kids in scheduling specific dates and times.
But let’s not forget the most joyful touch: self-portraits. These connect delightful moments and experiences with planning, capable of adorning your classroom, home, or becoming part of a memory book. Enjoy them!
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
April Self-Portrait Special Event: I Love the Earth (English and Spanish Version)
April Self-Portrait Special Event: Happy World Book Day (English and Spanish Version)
April Wishlist (English and Spanish Version)
April Goal Setting Checklist (English and Spanish Version)
April Calendar/Planner (English and Spanish Version)
Happy April!
Para muchos estudiantes, mantenerse ordenados es un reto, y una de las estrategias más eficaces para reducir el estrés tanto de los padres como de los hijos es la organización y la planificación. Ser organizado es una habilidad crucial no sólo para el éxito académico, sino también para desenvolverse en la vida.
Este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a organizarse y planificar estableciendo objetivos claros, alcanzables y mensurables. Los niños entienden que los objetivos tienen importancia y que los logros son producto del esfuerzo.
La hoja de trabajo de la lista de deseos sirve como una potente herramienta para alimentar la imaginación. Los niños comprenden que sus aspiraciones pueden convertirse en objetivos concretos.
Una vez trazada la línea que separa los objetivos de los deseos, llega el momento de pasar a la acción, facilitada por la agenda o el calendario mensual, que ayuda a los niños a programar fechas y horas concretas.
Pero no olvidemos el toque más alegre: los autorretratos. Estos conectan momentos y experiencias encantadores con la planificación, capaces de adornar el aula, la casa o formar parte de un libro de recuerdos. ¡Disfrútalos!
Este recurso incluye:
Autorretrato 1 - Evento especial de Abril: Amo la Tierra
Autorretrato 2 - Evento especial de Abril: Feliz Día Mundial del Libro
Lista de Metas del mes de Abril
Lista de Deseos del mes de Abril
Calendario para planificar el mes de Abril
★ Related resources:
Descarga la Versión en Inglés!
¡Feliz mes de Abril!
For many students, maintaining organization is a challenge, and one of the most effective strategies to reduce stress for both parents and children is through organizing and planning. Being organized is a crucial skill not only for academic success but also for navigating life.
This resource assists students in organizing themselves, planning, and establishing clear, achievable, and measurable objectives. Children understand that goals hold weight and achievements are a product of effort.
The wishlist worksheet serves as a potent tool for nurturing imagination. Children grasp that their aspirations can evolve into concrete goals.
Once the line between goals and wishes is drawn, it’s time for action, facilitated by the monthly planner or calendar, aiding kids in scheduling specific dates and times.
But let’s not forget the most joyful touch: self-portraits. These connect delightful moments and experiences with planning, capable of adorning your classroom, home, or becoming part of a memory book. Enjoy them!
This resource includes:
April Self-Portrait Special Event: I Love the Earth
April Self-Portrait Special Event: Happy World Book Day
April Wishlist
April Goal Setting Checklist
April Calendar/Planner
★Related resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Happy April!
Para muchos estudiantes, mantenerse ordenados es un reto, y una de las estrategias más eficaces para reducir el estrés tanto de los padres como de los hijos es la organización y la planificación. Ser organizado es una habilidad crucial no sólo para el éxito académico, sino también para desenvolverse en la vida.
Este recurso ayuda a los estudiantes a organizarse y planificar estableciendo objetivos claros, alcanzables y mensurables. Los niños entienden que los objetivos tienen importancia y que los logros son producto del esfuerzo.
La hoja de trabajo de la lista de deseos sirve como una potente herramienta para alimentar la imaginación. Los niños comprenden que sus aspiraciones pueden convertirse en objetivos concretos.
Una vez trazada la línea que separa los objetivos de los deseos, llega el momento de pasar a la acción, facilitada por la agenda o el calendario mensual, que ayuda a los niños a programar fechas y horas concretas.
Pero no olvidemos el toque más alegre: los autorretratos. Estos conectan momentos y experiencias encantadores con la planificación, capaces de adornar el aula, la casa o formar parte de un libro de recuerdos. ¡Disfrútalos!
Este recurso incluye:
Autorretrato 1 - Evento especial de Marzo: Feliz Día de San Patricio
Autorretrato 2 - Evento especial de Marzo: Feliz Día de la Mujer
Lista de Metas del mes de Marzo
Lista de Deseos del mes de Marzo
Calendario para planificar el mes de Marzo
★Related Resources:
Descarga la versión en Inglés
¡Feliz mes de Marzo!
Excelente actividad para que tus estudiantes identifiquen y visualicen fácilmente sus emociones. Es una herramienta muy útil que te ayudará a tener una mayor comprensión de los sentimientos que tus niños están experimentando.
La puedes utilizar todo el año, solo necesitas enviar una copia a cada estudiante, luego ellos tendrán que arrastrar un símbolo para completar la gráfica. Finalmente los niños analizan sus sentimientos y los pueden explicar. Esto les ayudará mucho a ser consientes de sus emociones y evitar sentimientos de ira y frustración.
Este Freebie hace parte de mi recurso: Repaso para el Verano - Crecimiento Personal - Google Slides.
¡Feliz Verano!
Complete Resource:
Repaso para el Verano - Crecimiento Personal - Google Slides
You may like these related resources :
Repaso para el Verano - Crecimiento Personal - Google Slides (Spanish Version)
Repaso para el Verano - Crecimiento Personal - (Spanish Version)
★You may like these resources:
Día Internacional del Libro - Actividad
Día Internacional del Libro Actividad - Google Slides
Día Nacional de la Lectura
Día Nacional de la Poesía - Actividades
Dr. Seuss / Theodore Seuss Geisel - Actividad
Libros de No Ficción - Actividad
Libros de No Ficción Actividad - Google Slides
Paul Bunyan - Disfruta de una Buena Historia
Do you want to know if your students have a fixed or growth mindset? What is their predominant mindset? This is a FANTASTIC resource to assess the prevalence of fixed and growth mindsets in your students and to introduce or reinforce the main principles of these mindsets while promoting self-reflection.
Ask your students to analyze each statement and encourage a class or family discussion about each one. You can also send the quiz home so each family member can participate. They can help each other, fostering a team approach to train their minds and work on developing a growth mindset together as a family.
This resource includes one Free Pop Quiz page.
★Related resource:
Download the Spanish Version
Enjoy the benefits of fostering a growth mindset culture in your classroom!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Family Day - My Family is Special. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms.
By utilizing this resource, children have the opportunity to celebrate the true essence of being a family. It encourages them to reflect on the time they spend together and learn positive messages about the significance of sharing and working together as a team within the family unit.
Parents highly value and appreciate this activity as it teaches them about the importance of providing meaningful experiences for their families, emphasizing that experiences hold more value than material possessions.
You can choose to work on the booklet in class or assign it as a project for children to complete at home with their families. Encourage students to share their booklets and responses with their families, fostering open discussions and strengthening family bonds.
This resource serves as an excellent present and conversation starter for families, fostering meaningful connections and interactions among family members.
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. Below is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
A Family Day Booklet: My Family is Special, in black and white - 16 half pages. (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Family Day!
Es hora de honrar a todas las familias y celebrar los valores que las unen, sus rutinas, costumbres, gustos, actividades etc. Ayuda a tus estudiantes a reconocer la importancia de tener una familia y a disfrutar de todo aquello que las hace únicas y especiales.
Este recurso le ofrece a tus estudiantes la oportunidad de comprender y celebrar el significado de una familia, les permite reflexionar sobre el tiempo que comparten juntos y reforzar mensajes positivos para la vida familiar, cómo mantenerse unidos, y la importancia de compartir y trabajar en equipo.
Los padres de familia, disfrutan y aprecian completamente esta actividad, aprenden mucho sobre lo importante que es dar a sus familias experiencias, más que cosas materiales.
Trabaja el folleto en clase o puedes enviarlo a casa para trabajarlo en familia. ¡Es un lindo regalo y también un iniciador de conversación y reflexión familiar!
Este recurso incluye:
Un folleto del Día de la Familia: Mi Familia es Especial en versión en blanco y negro (8 medias páginas).
Feliz Día de la Familia!
★ Related Resources:
Descarga la versión en Inglés!
★ You may like these resources:
La Familia - Presentación PowerPoint
Día de la Familia - Mi Familia es Especial (Actividad)
Mi Familia es Especial
t is time to honor all families and celebrate the values that bind them, their routines, customs, likes, activities, etc. Help your students recognize the importance of their families and enjoy all the characteristics that make them unique and special.
This resource offers families the chance to celebrate the real meaning of being a family. This allows them to reflect on the time they spend together and learn positive messages and the importance of sharing and teamwork within the family.
Parents absolutely love and appreciate this activity, they learn a lot about how important is to give their families experiences more than things.
Work the booklet in class or children can do it at home with their families.
Encourage students to read the booklets/responses to their families.
Great present and conversation starter for families as well!
This resource includes:
A Family Day Booklet: My Family is Special in black and white version (8 half pages)
Happy Family Day!
★ Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
★You may like these resources:
Family - PowerPoint Presentation
My Family is Special
What is a Family? Free Sample!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of Labor Day / International Workers’ Day. This Labor Day Activities resource helps students explore the meaning of Labor Day or Worker’s Day in a fun and meaningful way. Through reflection and creativity, students will appreciate workers’ vital role in society. They’ll interview family or school staff, discover different jobs, and recognize workers’ contributions to their communities. To express gratitude, children will design a heartfelt pennant card with a personal message honoring workers. Perfect for fostering appreciation and learning, this resource makes Labor Day both educational and inspiring!
These pennants make fantastic decorations for the classroom or home, and it’s always a delight for kids to see their work showcased throughout the school.
Another activity included is ‘If I were a worker,’ which inspires students to consider their career aspirations and brainstorm different types of jobs they might be interested in.
The two resources I include in this bundle are sold separately. Above is the list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
Labor Day Celebration Mind map (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Main Facts Mind map - empty format (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Interview (English and Spanish Version)
Labor Day Pennant/Banner Card (English and Spanish Version)
If I Were a Worker … (English and Spanish Version)
Happy Labor Day!
Feliz Día del Trabajador!
This Labor Day Activities resource helps students explore the meaning of Labor Day or Worker’s Day in a fun and meaningful way. Through reflection and creativity, students will appreciate workers’ vital role in society. They’ll interview family or school staff, discover different jobs, and recognize workers’ contributions to their communities. To express gratitude, children will design a heartfelt pennant card with a personal message honoring workers. Perfect for fostering appreciation and learning, this resource makes Labor Day both educational and inspiring!
These pennants make fantastic decorations for the classroom or home, and it’s always a delight for kids to see their work showcased throughout the school.
Another activity included is ‘If I were a worker,’ which inspires students to consider their career aspirations and brainstorm different types of jobs they might be interested in.
This activity fosters empathy and social skills, making it an EXCELLENT addition to any lesson plan.
This resource includes:
Labor Day Celebration Mind map
Labor Day Main Facts Mind map (empty format)
Labor Day Interview
Labor Day Pennant/Banner Card
If I were a Worker …
★Related Resources:
Download the Spanish Version!
Labor Day | International Workers’ Day PowerPoint Presentation
Happy Labor Day!
This resource includes an English and Spanish version of My School - Bucket and Spade List. These are perfect for your bilingual or dual-language classrooms!
This resource is PERFECT for students who are starting a new activity or beginning the school year. It’s a great tool to use on the first day of school to help your students set goals and plan out what they want to accomplish this year.
Encourage your students to brainstorm a list of things they want to achieve and offer some ideas and guidance to help them get started.
Helping your kids to identify their goals and desires is key to fostering positive thoughts and motivation throughout the school year. By doing so, they’ll be more engaged and enthusiastic about the learning process.
The Bucket and Spade Craft is an EXCELLENT choice for bulletin boards. I HIGHLY recommend printing it on card stock for the best results. This craft is perfect for a back-to-school or beach-themed project.
Get ready to receive a lot of COMPLIMENTS!
The two resources I am including in this bundle are sold separately. There is a list of what you will receive. You can click on each link to read a detailed description of each product.
This resource includes:
My School Bucket List
My School Spades List
Mi Escuela - Bucket List
Mi Escuela - Spade List
Happy Back To School and Beach Day!